Interface Overview

The Geopod interface was carefully designed to be simple and intuitive, presenting necessary features with a minimum of distraction. The main parts of the Geopod interface are described below.

Geopod Interface Image
  1. Main viewing area allows plenty of room for users to examine isosurfaces in the data volume.
  2. Parameter display at the bottom of the screen holds up to 9 parameters; optional overflow panel displays up to an additional 10. Users can drag and drop parameter entries to create whatever custom arrangement they find most convenient.
  3. Navigational instruments assist users as they fly Geopod through the data volume. See the Navigation section below for details.
  4. Buttons allow access to additional functionality. See the Devices and Additional Features sections for more details.


In addition to isosurface and parameter display, Geopod provides a number of useful devices that facilitate and enhance student’s exploration of the atmosphere. These devices allow students to gather additional data about atmospheric conditions or view existing information in different ways.

Image of Geopod Dropsonde Dropsonde

This device allows Geopod users to see a vertical profile of the atmosphere at their current latitude and longitude. Users can view graphs of temperature, dewpoint, relative humidity, u wind and v wind plotted against pressure or, if they prefer, altitude. Geopod maintains a customizable history of launched dropsondes which users can cycle through to see how the graphs change at different locations.

Particle Imager

Image of Geopod Particle ImagerThe Particle Imager helps users explore the effects of temperature and relative humidity on particle formation by displaying images of the particles that could form under the conditions at their current location. This device updates continuously; a changed image alerts users that they have moved to a location with different particle formation. Users can cycle also through several particle images within the same particle formation category.

Image of Geopod Distance CalculatorDistance Calculator

The Distance Calculator measures the straight-line distance between a starting point and the Geopod’s current location. Updating continuously as the Geopod moves, this device ensures that users can always see how far away they are from when they started and evaluate changes in parameter values accordingly.

Notepad and Note Location System

Image of Geopod Notepad Image of Geopod Note Location PromptThe Note Location System allows users to keep track of interesting locations as they fly through the atmosphere. “Noting” a location saves its lat, lon and alt along with the values of all the parameters in the parameter display panel and an optional comment in the Notepad. Users can later open the Notepad to see their noted locations and add additional comments. The Notepad serves as a mini-text editor: users can edit their notes, save them in a .txt file, and open other .txt files from previous sessions all inside Geopod.

Image of Geopod GridpointsGridpoint Visualizer

Geopod and IDV use 3D gridded data sets, which means that data from certain points in the atmosphere is interpolated to provide information for every location in the data volume. The Gridpoint visualizer helps users to understand this underlying dataset by showing the locations where actual data was given. Using the autopilot, users can easily fly to any of these gridpoints and see the actual conditions there.

Flight Data Recorder and Flight Playback

The Flight Data Recorder allows users to maintain a record of their flight path and the activities, like launching dropsondes and noting locations, that they have performed at various locations. Then with the Flight Playback feature, users can be automatically taken back through their movements and activities to review exactly what took place during their exploration of the atmosphere.

Additional Features

In addition to navigational instruments and the devices described above, Geopod provides several additional systems that provide advanced features and allow users to customize their experience.

Parameter Chooser

Image of Geopod Parameter ChooserThe parameter chooser lets users decide which parameters they want Geopod to display and update as they navigate through the atmosphere. Users can select up to 19 of the over 50 parameters available, ensuring that they have just the right information to explore whatever meteorological concepts they choose.

Image of Geopod Isosurface DisplayIsosurface Display

This feature makes it easy to view, adjust, and remove the 3D isosurfaces displayed in Geopod. Users can see what parameter was used to create each isosurface, determine what constant value of that parameter is being shown, change the parameter value, remove the isosurface completely, or use a shortcut to the IDV interface where they can access more advanced isosurface manipulation options.

Help/Resource System

Image of Geopod Help System Image of Geopod Help System
Help is always close at hand in Geopod. The help system gives a complete description of key and mouse controls and provides links to other helpful meteorological and Geopod-related content.

Image of Geopod Settings ManagerSettings Manager

Advanced settings can be safely ignored by novice users but provide advanced users with the flexibility to modify how navigation, flight recording, the Dropsonde device, and other systems behave.